by WestBridge | Jul 28, 2023 | Recovery, Wellness, WestBridge
Your loved one has completed an inpatient treatment program for mental health and substance use disorders. Now, that loved one is home, and the hard work of recovery begins. With the initial treatment completed, the next big challenge is maintaining and expanding that...
by WestBridge | Jul 21, 2023 | Mental Health Disorders, WestBridge
Mental health disorders are sometimes referred to as “invisible” illnesses. The reason for this is that the symptoms cannot necessarily be seen externally. You cannot diagnose them with the naked eye as you could a runny nose, a broken leg or a black eye. The fact...
by WestBridge | Jul 14, 2023 | Mental Illness, Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, WestBridge
Going to college can be fun and exciting, but also daunting and overwhelming. It is not surprising that many college students—and in particular, college freshmen—deal with significant mental health maladies. In fact, some studies indicate that more than a quarter of...
by WestBridge | Jul 7, 2023 | Mental Health Disorders, Mental Illness, Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, WestBridge
Self-medicating is a term that many people use to describe their use of substances as a way of coping with difficult emotional or mental states. It is not uncommon for those experiencing symptoms of mental health disorders to report that they initially tried to deal...