by WestBridge | Feb 23, 2024 | Mental Illness, Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
Your body and your mind are connected. They are symbiotic. This means is that, when you do something to keep your body healthy, it also benefits your mind. Indeed, research confirms repeatedly that one of the keys to mental health is keeping your body moving, active...
by WestBridge | Feb 16, 2024 | Mental Health Disorders, Mental Illness, Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
Is it possible to feel gloomy even when school’s out, the sun is shining, and good humor is in the air? For those who have clinical depression, the answer is, unfortunately, yes. The symptoms of depression do not necessarily abate just because the weather’s good. ...
by WestBridge | Feb 9, 2024 | Recovery, WestBridge
Independence is a word that many of us love—and not just on the Fourth of July. We all want to be independent. We all want to be self-sufficient. We want to be able to thrive and succeed without having to rely too heavily on anyone else. This is an inclination that...
by WestBridge | Feb 2, 2024 | Mental Health Disorders, WestBridge
Mental health disorders do not just affect the individual with the diagnosis. They affect all those in the periphery—friends, partners, kids, and family members. Those friends and family members, in turn, can play a big role in the recovery process—providing support,...