The workplace can be a little bit stressful for all of us; our jobs can be demanding, especially when we are dealing with a tight deadline, a particularly hard assignment, or a co-worker who rubs us the wrong way. While work can be stressful for anyone, it can be especially challenging for those who struggle with anxiety already.

While it is unrealistic to expect work to ever be completely stress-free, there are things we can do to curb that stress and reel back the anxiety. Consider some of these suggestions for making the workplace a little bit less anxious:

Stay busy after work: Your tendency might be to go home after a long day and rest it off, but this can lead to you wallowing in your anxieties and being overcome by your thoughts and feelings. Try to make time after work for exercise, a hobby, or simply time spent in the company of friends.

Be healthy: Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to keep stress in check is to work out every day, preferably either right before or right after your day at the office. In addition to exercise, it is important to eat right and get enough sleep.

Turn your stress into a game. Make a list of the things that tend to stress you out. Turn them into a bingo card, and mark each box when that thing happens. When you get a Bingo, treat yourself in some way.

Tell your story. Be on the lookout for interesting work stories that might occur during the course of the day—and be sure to write them in your journal or share them with your family each evening.

Stress in the workplace is unavoidable, but there are ways of dealing with it. Try these tactics to keep workplace anxieties from dragging you down.