Mind the Heart

American Heart Month is rapidly approaching—and that is something we take seriously here at WestBridge. It might surprise you to learn that heart health and mental health are closely interconnected—and when you take action to keep your ticker fully functional, you...

Benefitting the Mind in Yoga Practice

People try yoga for all different reasons—to lose weight, to find inner peace, to improve balance and flexibility, or simply to get more active. And all of those are certainly worthy motivations. But there’s another benefit to yoga that might surprise you: It’s...

What is Biosound Therapy?

Biosound therapy is an increasingly popular, increasingly promising treatment course for those experiencing mental health or substance use disorders. The process is as simple as it is painless. In biosound therapy, the client sits down in a special chair—similar to a...

You Are the Company You Keep

You are the company you keep. You’ve probably heard this theory before—but do you know how deep it goes? According to one school of thought, you are, essentially, a reflection of the five individuals with whom you spend the most time—so the people you choose to...