by WestBridge | Aug 16, 2022 | Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, Recovery, Wellness, WestBridge
Stress is the catch-all word for any time we’re overwhelmed or over-worked. Factors that cause people stress are money, relationships, jobs, family responsibilities, and worries about these or other aspects of life. The effects of stress shouldn’t be underestimated,...
by WestBridge | Aug 6, 2022 | Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, Wellness, WestBridge
People with serious mental illness die 25 years earlier than the average person, and the reasons are largely preventable. Here we focus on physical activity and fitness in those with mental illness. According to a report published by the National Association of State...
by WestBridge | Jul 16, 2022 | Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, Wellness, WestBridge
There are many reasons why people start using products with tobacco in them. You may be someone who started smoking with your friends because it seemed like a cool thing to do, or you didn’t want to be the only one that wasn’t trying it. Maybe your first cigarette was...
by WestBridge | Jun 16, 2022 | Mental Health Disorders, Mental Illness, Recovery, Wellness, WestBridge
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill As negative and overbearing situations arise, it can be difficult to hold on to a sense of hope. The time to process and accept valid...
by WestBridge | Jun 6, 2022 | Wellness, WestBridge
When someone dies from suicide, family and friends are always left with more questions than answers. Why did my loved one do this? How did I miss the signs? What could I have done to prevent this? How did he get to feel so desperate? Families and friends...