by WestBridge | Apr 12, 2024 | Mental Health Disorders, Wellness, WestBridge
If you cannot say something nice, do not say anything at all. Is a sentiment that holds true not just for the way you speak of others, but also the way you speak of yourself. When you constantly run yourself down, short-change your inherent worth and dignity, and...
by WestBridge | Mar 29, 2024 | Mental Health Disorders, Wellness, WestBridge
We have noted before that consistently good sleep is vital for mental and physical well-being; poor sleep can compound mental health struggles and make recovery more difficult. Of course, getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging in its own right. This is...
by WestBridge | Feb 23, 2024 | Mental Illness, Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
Your body and your mind are connected. They are symbiotic. This means is that, when you do something to keep your body healthy, it also benefits your mind. Indeed, research confirms repeatedly that one of the keys to mental health is keeping your body moving, active...
by WestBridge | Feb 16, 2024 | Mental Health Disorders, Mental Illness, Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
Is it possible to feel gloomy even when school’s out, the sun is shining, and good humor is in the air? For those who have clinical depression, the answer is, unfortunately, yes. The symptoms of depression do not necessarily abate just because the weather’s good. ...
by WestBridge | Jan 26, 2024 | Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
Recovery is not something that happens overnight, nor is it something you can achieve and then forget about. Recovery is something you will work toward—nurture and protect—every day of your life. When you are in recovery, you are in it for the long haul, and it is...
by WestBridge | Jan 19, 2024 | Recovery, Therapy, Wellness, WestBridge
In a moment of panic or anxiety, it is important to stop, breathe deeply, and use a stress management tool—anything that helps protect mind and body from stress. In recent months, much attention has shifted to mindfulness and meditation as two powerful tools for...