A critical element of women’s health that is often overlooked or minimized is mental health. For many mothers, the role of a caregiver may be an understatement. By default, women wear multiple hats on a daily basis. In addition to caring for a child receiving mental health treatment and leading a household, a tough juggling act often ensues. Competing responsibilities may prove particularly challenging, and many women may experience exhaustion or “burn-out.”
Caregiving may be putting too much stress if any of the following symptoms are experienced:
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Gaining or losing a lot of weight
- Feeling tired most of the time
- Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy
- Becoming easily irritated or angered
- Feeling constantly worried
- Often feeling sad
- Frequent headaches, bodily pain, or other physical problems
Simply put, feeling drained or overwhelmed is common for many mothers who balance the commitment of being a part of their child’s mental health treatment. Self-care for the caregiver is just as important as for the person receiving mental illness treatment. Just by knowing that there is someone who can pick up when a break is needed makes a world of a difference.
Well-being begins by promising to set aside some much needed time allocated for the self. This gives the emotional system some much-needed attention, similar to a “tune-up” for car maintenance. Journaling, meditating, exercise and designated self-care time helps make room for tending to emotions on a regular basis that is balanced and harmonious. As the tendency for many caregivers is to drive into “over-load” mode, nurturing the self allows for the maximum ability to provide support for loved ones in treatment.
Caregivers need to know that it is okay for them to seek support. Similar to running a marathon, an entire team of support is needed to ensure that the finish line is crossed. Occasionally, there is a need to pause – and seek assistance from a pair of helping hands. WestBridge’s support system extends to caregivers and their families. For many mothers, this may be the ideal opportunity to heal, reflect and rejuvenate. That way, one can emerge back to the marathon feeling renewed, refreshed and ready to return to everyday life with a new perspective of hope.