Small changes have been transpiring in the participant common areas of our treatment programs. Fresh fruits, nuts and whole-grain snacks have become the staple, in place of candy, cookies and the occasional celebration cake. While this change initially faced opposition, the ultimate result has seen both staff and participants have been enjoying healthier snacks and a fruit bowl now needs to be replenished daily.
Weekly food group, where participants make lunch, has also changed focus to preparing healthier meals, with less emphasis on red meats and more emphasis on the inclusion of more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. No food goes to waste, with some participants taking cut-up vegetables to enjoy in meals made in their own kitchens. Staff and participants also enjoyed a vegan meal experiencing some delicious selections, which most had never tried before.
Many an animated discussion has been heard in the office after staff viewed the movie “Forks over Knives,” which proposes a plant-based whole food diet. It examines the claim that most degenerative diseases can be controlled or reversed by not eating animal-based and processed foods. Some staff members have embraced the concepts of the movie by becoming mostly vegan, and it has caused all to think about their eating patterns.
The culmination of the effort to embrace a healthier lifestyle has led to our Healthy Challenges program. Both staff and participants were challenged to increase walking, lose weight (if desired) and prepare a healthy dish for all to share at a potluck dinner.
As a group we accomplished our goal of walking more than two million steps in one month. Our recorded weight loss was more than 60 pounds. We all enjoyed the variety of dishes at the potluck, with a vegan dish taking the prize for “Tastiest Recipe”.