Dual diagnosis treatment is multifaceted, effecting each person individually. Substance use and mental health illnesses also include the entire family. Family involvement in the treatment plan is essential in helping an individual maintain long-term recovery. This Father’s Day, we recognize the special and unique role fathers play in the recovery plan.

This can be an opportune time for families struggling with substance addiction and mental health disorders to bond and appreciate the support that is provided by each member of the family. In terms of achieving long-term addiction recovery, the support from one’s family and loved ones can truly make the all the difference.

Fathers experience a change in the relationship with their son or daughter when mental illness and substance use enter the picture.  Fathers often feel a loss of control, frustration about not being able to “fix” things for their child, and a shift in role from parent to policeman.  Fathers often shoulder the responsibility of providing financial support for their loved one, beyond what they may have planned for.  It is important for fathers to receive support for their own needs in order to effectively support their loved one who is diagnosed with an illness.

Recovering from mental illness can be long and seemingly exhausting journey, both for the person diagnosed and the parents who stand beside them throughout the recovery process. Chronic mental illness and substance use related disorders can lead to families questioning how effective their role really can be. And the reality is, their support and participation in treatment is a crucial component for sustainable health and wellness.

There is a saying, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and the value of a committed parent leaves a lifelong impact. It is true that in recovery, the experience of strong emotions—hurt, anger, sadness, resentment and even grief, become challenges that may seem overwhelming. However, many families in recovery experience that things to get better, and overcoming the hurdles together actually strengthens their family cohesion.