There has been a positive shift in public perception of mental illness in recent years, yet the need for heightened awareness and education prevails. Negative attitudes remain stubbornly entrenched, especially regarding serious conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or dual diagnosis (mental illness and substance use disorders). Stigma and discrimination have been key factors in determining outcomes, as many people become hesitant to seek help due to the labels and pejorative language associated with mental health disorders.
A change in the narrative in how we talk about mental health disorders can come by increasing tolerance and empathy that people have towards mental health issues. Shifting the paradigm includes dismantling the association of mental health issues with negativity and providing examples of recovery that inspire others to reach out for help when they need it. It also means finding ways in our personal relationships, employment settings and communities to reinforce the positive aspects of recovery and resiliency that those who have learned to live successfully with a mental illness exemplify.
Stigma extends not only just to people with mental disorders, but their families as well. For many people, it means not only having to deal with a serious illness, but also having to keep it a secret. This can be an incredibly isolating experience and leads people with mental health illnesses being less likely to seek support and treatment. Many people with such illness’ claim the negative reactions from the general public are as bad as or worse than having the illness itself. Shifting these attitudes requires continuous efforts in awareness and public support. A willingness to change perspectives through public forums, awareness campaigns, and community outreach programs has changed the dialogue, but we still have much ground to cover.
Through increased advocacy, many more people have began to speak out about their own experiences, challenging perceptions that have fueled stigma. Mental health disorders are beginning to look a little different. Media, movies and public figures have been crucial in changing the language and stance on mental health issues. While it was once was considered “taboo” to share mental health issues, it can now be seen as it should: illness that is treatable with necessary medical intervention and recovery supports.
Transforming perceptions and dismissing outdated, negative stereotypes has confidently kept up the momentum for building a new dialogue and perspective on mental health. Improving attitudes towards mental health disorders is central to improving the lives of everyone affected – from getting the best possible care to feeling accepted socially.