In a moment of panic or anxiety, it is important to stop, breathe deeply, and use a stress management tool—anything that helps protect mind and body from stress. In recent months, much attention has shifted to mindfulness and meditation as two powerful tools for decreasing stress. The practice of meditation techniques can be an excellent way to bring calmness to the mind and peace to the body.

With any stress management techniques, however, individual mileage may vary. You, personally, may not be comfortable with meditation; you may simply not enjoy it. It is important to know that there are plenty of ways to manage stress. Stress mitigation is much more than just meditation.

Consider some of the alternatives—all potentially powerful ways to cope with stress.

  • Reach out to a friend or loved one. Seek tranquility through conversation and human connection. When you start to feel overwhelmed, call on a friend to talk things through.
  • Decompress your body. Use a tennis ball or foam roller to massage your tense muscles, or place a warm washcloth over your face and sit back for a minute or two.
  • Laugh! Unleash some of the positive, happiness-inducing chemicals in your brain. Queue up a favorite funny clip on YouTube.
  • Turn on some music—loud, if you can! Spend a few minutes listening to music that makes you feel good. Do not hesitate to sing along.
  • Get active. Go outside or head to the gym to put your body into high gear. Walk, jog, dance, lift weights—do whatever physical activity you like to get some blood pumping and your mood elevated.

There are many ways to de-stress—even for those who aren’t fans of meditation. Try some of these today!