When seeking treatment, many individuals who suffer from mental health or substance use disorders may experience barriers to support in recovery. Having a strong social support system is vital to maintaining mental health. Without social supports or a sense of community, many people are more likely to feel lonely, isolated and bored.

So how can community support help participants at WestBridge in the long run?

1). A healthy support network can help alleviate stress while establishing trust building.

A community can help shape how we deal with challenges and problems, make healthy decisions, relate to others and handle personal stress. A feeling and sense of belonging can help foster healthy goal setting. Additionally, support networks increase a person’s self-confidence and feelings of value.

2). A support community can empower with resources and tools for successful recovery.

WestBridge’s Family Education and Support Program assists participants in living in the community as independently as possible, and support their mental health recovery. This increases feelings of autonomy and self-efficacy. A healthy community network can help the individual transition back into treatment with confidence and support for recovery.

3). You can learn more about yourself and your recovery needs.

Support systems can help participants identify their personal strengths and skills needed promote recovery and ensure success. Communities can reinforce encouragement for individuals to maintain independence, stability, resiliency and well-being. Community based care promotes holistic recovery and provides a cushion of compassion and encouragement. A supportive network also holds an individual to be accountable and responsible for their treatment goals.

4). you can help others along the way.

Being part of a strong social support system can make an individual feel that their contribution is valuable and essential. Support systems also help build empathy, as individuals can listen to the struggles and challenges of others in their support system and may even have ideas about how their peers can overcome these challenges.