Research and treatment program experience have repeatedly shown that individuals with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders have improved outcomes when they have access to continuous community based support services.  In particular, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) programs can help dually diagnosed individuals manage these illnesses concurrently without the need for frequent hospitalization or more disruptive acute treatment settings.  For individuals who do experience hospitalization, ACT programs can ease the transition back into the community and provide critical supports in such areas as symptom management, housing, medical care, self-help, employment and relationships.

Through ACT, rehabilitation and recovery is provided in the individual’s home or community. This type of treatment promotes independence through supportive intervention: participants can learn and apply coping skills so that they are more successful within their environment. ACT also is an ideal platform to help participants develop resources and supportive networks to challenge stressors and triggers that play a key role in relapse prevention.

Mental illness and substance use disorders can be considered similar to such chronic illnesses as diabetes and asthma.  Successful recovery involves a combination of education, trial and error, goal-setting, feedback, and support.  When someone has diabetes, their recovery depends on knowing what triggers blood sugar changes, developing skills to avoid disruptive foods, motivation to choose healthier foods and exercise, and monitoring of blood sugar levels with a qualified health care provider.  Co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders respond to a similar approach that extends beyond an immediate acute crisis and that helps an individual and his family develop the skills to monitor symptoms, triggers and stressors, choose healthy coping strategies, and have regular contact with care providers and supportive friends and family members.  Effective community support is adaptive to the changing needs and motivation of the individual, and is always oriented towards helping the individual achieve his goals.