Biosound therapy is an increasingly popular, increasingly promising treatment course for those experiencing mental health or substance use disorders.

The process is as simple as it is painless. In biosound therapy, the client sits down in a special chair—similar to a dentist’s chair—and is covered with a blanket. The client is then exposed to a variety of vibrational patterns—vibrations that can be heard and vibrations that can be seen.

The purpose of all of this is to put the nervous system in a place of complete relaxation—a deep, restful state that can actually slow the heartbeat.

The method has shown promise in the treatment of depression and anxiety, but more recently, it has been used as treatment for substance use disorders.

Perhaps this isn’t surprising. After all, mental health disorders and substance use disorders are often co-occurring conditions, stemming from the same issues with the brain’s paths and passages. Given how closely connected these conditions can be, it is not far-fetched to think that biosound therapy could not only mitigate depression and anxiety, but also assist with the mediation of addiction withdrawal pains, as well as with the general stigma associated with addiction.

Meanwhile, biosound therapy is holistic and non-invasive. It does not involve anything narcotic or artificial being added to the body. It’s simply about stimulating a heightened sense of relaxation through vibrations and sound waves; there aren’t any “side effects” to worry about.

Biosound therapy is not something that will help everyone, but it’s an increasingly important tool in the mental health professional’s toolbox—and something that’s worth asking about and looking into.

To learn more about what biosound therapy is and whether it might be right for your mental health and substance use disorder treatment, we invite you to contact the WestBridge team.